I often share most of my thoughts about stuff beginning with a disclaimer of how much I really don’t know about life (it’s a ridiculous paradox and I have no idea where I picked it up from!). I have been a victim of the phrase “I may not know a lot about life but….” Well, now I think that phrase is utterly useless to me. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis and he came up with Oedipus complex which basically states that if someone messes you up sexually as a child, you are going to be a messed up adult!
Now, hold your horses there cowboy, don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate the milestones that Freud has helped us achieve in understanding human behavior. But all he did was put two and two together and come up with facts that already existed. I think what made him great is the breakdown of the complex into particulate aspects (I can’t do that).
So now I believe that I also do know a thing or two about life, and putting together a few basic facts and aspects of human behavior, I may not be as good as Sigmund, but here’s my two cents worth!
• You know how they usually say “common sense is not common”? Well, every sound minded human being has levels of intelligent as much as the next guy in the bus. However. Utilizing these sense it a choice that many people decide not to opt for. Choosing to use a spoon to spread margarine on your loaf instead of a butter knife is too simple of an example as compared to expecting other people to love you when you don’t love yourself!
• In your lifetime, there is one person who is perfect for you. A person whose qualities perfectly match and complement yours. You will Never meet this person. Therefore you need to work with what you’ve got. Create your own paradise and make it work. I hate it when people say true love is not supposed to be hard work, it’s supposed to come easy and all those other lies that people tell themselves so that they don’t have to put any effort in relationship. It’s pretty simple, if you want to enjoy the pork chops, you have to earn the money to buy the house and the kitchen and the pots and pans where you will cook them from!
• People don’t know where you came from, the hood or wherever! So don’t expect people to treat you like they had the whole previous night to cram your personal history file. Next time I hear someone use that phrase “don’t judge me! You don’t know where I came from…” by jolly I will……….!!!What people know about you is what you give to them. Therefore, if you want people to respect you, be a respectable person, if you want people to understand that you are a strong willed person, will your way to their hearts. Besides, where you come from is not the issue…where you are going is what we are looking at.
• Oh and don’t get me started on men and women equality issues! Unless men start breastfeeding and women grow balls, there will never be equality. What people need to adapt to is equity. There is quite a significant line between equity and equality. Equality is trying to accord exactly the same opportunity to the two which never works cause men and women have such different emotional build. However, equity refers to giving credit where its due and offering equal opportunity and resource to the different niches that each person exist in. therefore men should bow down to women for giving birth and women should appreciate that men take out the trash…
• Finally if you’re looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right you must be out of your mind! Perfect does not exist….case example? Fairy tales! The best way to learn that it can never be perfect, one princess kisses a frog and a man falls in love with a woman who is half a fish! The point is that special person will never be perfect, but when you accept them for who they are, their inner beauty is revealed to you. The frog turned into a handsome prince didn’t he?
Ah the feeling of liberation right from my gut telling me to share my two cents is frothing from within… or it could just be gas. Either way, watch out for more!
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